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i'm listening 3 witchhouse/synth tracks by Skeler at the same time and this sure is an experience

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you ever mute someone because they just post too damn much on the federated timeline

idk shitposts 

are you a "couldn't resist clambering up the slick, dangerous rockface into the aether" gay or a "couldn't resist clambering down into the trying to find out what's at the bottom of the pitch black well" gay

re: idk shitposts (horror ish) 

are you a "driven mad by what you saw deep in the ocean" gay or a "driven mad by what you saw by the full moon in the forest clearing" gay

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re: idk shitposts (horror ish) 

are you a "obsessed with the ancient language you found written in the caves" gay or a "can't sleep until you decode the jittery number station on the radio" gay

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you can be a wizard if you're a girl or a witch if you're a boy. or any other gender. don't let people tell you they're gendered terms. you're a WIZARD if you know what you're doing and you're a WITCH if you throw shit in a pot because a rhyme told you to

but actually i know i haven't been on here much but if anyone is feeling the urge to celebrate, toss off a birthday charity donation to your favorite activist group, bail fund, or food/shelter organization

here's my local org if you're looking for something to help fund:

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🎶 Have you ever seen a ghost, because there's one standing right here

Watercress. Cilantro. Arugula. Long ago the nations lived in harmony

~20ms to add 500 elements of random sizes, while the cache only has space to fit parts of them, so it needs to continuously remove old elements. pretty decent huh

just did a version bump on gURL (gemini cURL):

if you want a quick way to access gemini or debug things it can be really useful

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