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why do I feel like someone photoshopped the crying/sad cat eyes over mine

someone should design a TCG where literally every type of playing card can be used in the game

lots of fun playing dnd again tonight, with a more flexible campaign so we can play even when some people aren't there


my body is a temple

I think Dionysus had a party yesterday


taking a shower after hangover and the 'humanity restored' text appears before your eyes

Is anyone here into gong fu tea? My gf just joined fediverse and was hoping there would be people talking about it on here but has found no mention

people outside, but especially traveling, without bags/backpacks scare me

missed my fuckin train again, I really need to get better at this

No, your cryptocurrency cannot work

Explaining in understandable terms why Bitcoin uses so much power, why all these supposed 'alternatives' cannot fix the problem, how other coins are a scam, and how proof-of-stake is ultimately a dead end too.

working with/without javascript (for all those cavepeople with irrational programming language hatred)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.