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LB: the timeline when I think up some cursed joke again

today todo 

at least:
- hackerspace financials stuff

if i feel like it:
- publish gts admin panel properly
- nixos in systemd-nspawn on my arch desktop
- nixos (mailserver)


I also added some dark chocolate, it's v nice. Been a long time since I had oatmeal

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drugs, mr robot 

“the panic isn't settling in anymore, it's just there”

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i saw some raisin oatmeal discussion yesterday and i've wanted some hot oatmeal with raisins ever since..

can't tell if is real instance or just reply guy roleplaying but damn

YouTube autoplaying a track called "sleepyface", they know me too well

I found this a while back. Don't know if you've seen it, but I can't divorce it from any conversation about Lovecraft. Hope you enjoy!

Glad you liked my recent post that got boosted by everyone, now at least read my damn all-caps bio before sending a follow request

whyyoufeellikeshit that's just "you have a caffeine addiction, you haven't had caffeine today, that's why you feel like shit"

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