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seeing people lose shit in crypto/nft things will never not be pretty funny

"one case documented on Reddit when user 'elm099' complained that an NFT called “Big Boy Pants” had disappeared from his wallet"

Marie-Kondo'ing my last 5 braincells when they don't spark joy any more

food tip 

best decision ever was to always have 1-2 boxes of cheapish muesli bars in my backpack, such a good pick-me-up even at home

literally if a unix command can get you a number in the beginning of the output and you also know the total number you can use eta(1) to estimate it :dragnuwu:

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also I should take the Rollei 135mm as well, only works for the close-ish shots tho, because the mount adapter's thickness makes it lose infinity focus :(

(these were at ~80mm on the 28-80mm zoom)

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it'll be a lot nicer pics when I get there with more light sometime

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cryptic mh update (but not an analogy) 

watch time is on 20:29, which seemed accurate, but it's actually fully stopped lol

but for that you need working braincells and uhhh

- make sure to get the release from there, the repo's readme links to a different release page where the latest version doesn't currently work

- you might have to change your mirror url under Edit > Preferences > Zotero Scihub, I set mine to because the default didn't work for me

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