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bot that just replies to everything @goat posts with 'log off'

things i hope to do (today) 

- write email to study advisors
- figure out jitsi's state management so I can add extra setting toggles
- maybe finish up (even order??) some pcb designs from ages ago (0402 led matrix, flora rotary encoder)

tooting the entire dictionary and then only communicating by boosting word toots to form sentences

furious that cherry blossom season lasts for but a few precious days. hopping up and down in rage at the thought that an experience can be both beautiful and transient.

uni ~ 

having some downtime is really needed, especially as there's otherwise no vacation planned until summer....

not that i won't be working on plenty of projects n shit probably, i can't help myself :p

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uni ~ 

this would be a good thing to talk to a study advisor about but i think they're all real busy... will send an email anyways I guess

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uni ~ 

pretty sure that dropping this course and giving myself 2 weeks off (except for 1 exam on the other course) would be quite good in the long run too, as it forces the rest of my bachelor to spread into 2/3 course load which is exactly what i want

ughhh can my package please just arrive already, there's been 2 for other people today but tracking of mine just says "it's busy, no idea when"

@forestbot is dead long live @betterforestbot
Gnome party in the forest!!!


150 years ago today, on April 6, 1871, armed participants in the revolutionary Paris Commune seized the guillotine that was stored near the prison in Paris, smashed it into pieces, and burned it in a bonfire.

The guillotine is not a symbol of liberation.

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