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:bing: how much sugar and cafeïne does it take to feel something


also turns out that's a bad match with studying... designing (even if i've been managing at least up till this point)

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im so fucking done designing things. Everything has to be a project, be it electronics, software and im so burnt out on it


this dnb stream is fuckin great but also, brain is doing an ugh

wonder what it is in our monkey brains that makes livestreams hit different than recordings after

Tobacco Dock Virtual DnB livestream on one monitor, coding an image gallery on the other

feels good to be out of the house again, even if it's fukin wimdy

You might get a big scary "host key has changed", if you connect to over SSH, this is correct; new key:
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:WHAulDXRXGRref1mazDRGYreD5IBPMM/Fli++wEHWNg.

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never again running out of repo space again because it has a 1TB volume instead of a measly 20GB

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I think it's all working!!! it's on one of the new NixOS servers too :3

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taking down for migration to More Storage, please stand by :)

my brain is like a filing cabinet but a slightly rusty one someone abandoned on the side of the road that doesn't have anything in it except for a possum

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.