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another drawing lecture another "ok this is cool stuff but also, im probably never going to actually use this because 3d software exists"

and it's not a game i can play with anyone else because why *would* they get good at it, it sucks

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i miss playing xonotic, im way too good at it and it was a nice quick excitement booster.. but the community is a toxic shithole and im glad to never see those people again

stuck with that horribly undescript feeling of wanting to do "something cool" again

To nap, or to drink coffee--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous drowsiness
Or to take out the moka can against a sea of troubles


i spent all day on the pen plotter project which isn't even working now, instead of the uni things im behind on

@forestbot is dead long live @betterforestbot
Gnome party in the forest!!!


if i lived in a little toadstool house in the forest I would greet every guest by saying "welcome to my fungal abode"

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