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im tired, my legs hurt, i don't feel like getting out of bed.. it's Monday baybee

Don't Talk To Me Until I've Overanalysed Every Social Interaction I Had Yesterday, Convinced Myself I've Alienated Everyone I Spoke To, Imagined Every Way I Could Fuck Up Today, Been Overwhelmed By Horror About The Future, And Had My Coffee

@forestbot is dead long live @betterforestbot
Gnome party in the forest!!!



aaa my leggs hurt
cycled 13km to hackerspace, did a lot of preparation for covid-rel project, then cycled 13 back to get home in time for curfew, aaaa

anyone have experience being on fiverr? is there a better alternative for if i wanna produce music on comission?

oh and generating custom NixOS iso's is absolutely incredible, this small snippet of Nix is all you need to creat fully configured system installers (with things like enabling serial, opening ssh)

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current status is a working custom NixOS live iso, giving a tty over the serial link. To be done is getting boot/kernel logging there too

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nd shitpost 

yeah i have adhd, Always Don't Have Discipline

i remember balena Etcher getting a lot of hate because oh no muh electron but, it is *so* much nicer to use. it does dbus auth, it does smart disk selection so you don't overwrite your system drive, it has a validating step (that you can skip too!)

hah this was such a brain weird moment, testing my usb-cereal crossover cable between new server and thinkpad, accessing both over ssh from my desktop..

and typing in one serial console seeing it show up on the other :3

it wasn't dnd in the end, as one person couldn't make it. we still hung out virtually and played games, was nice

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oof i almost forgot dnd night :))) but it's online dnd night again :))))

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.