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damn my autoplay is full of nice horrible noises today :3

this is what the front looks like, irl. Back is getting a full redesign (hence the new schema ^^)

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damn State Of Mind (dnb) released an album called Eat The Rich in 2014 how did I not know this

hmm trying to compile this software but it can't find the kobo.ld linker script

covid regulations, uk 

Behavioural psychologist with an interesting take on “covid fatigue” in the U.K. In summary: data suggests “covid fatigue” is a popular myth driven by anecdote, and where significant numbers of people are failing to follow regulations it’s because they lack the support they need to self isolate.

this is what the front looks like, irl. Back is getting a full redesign (hence the new schema ^^)

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huh noticed (again) that the part number for my favorite led (amber) is C131202

refreshing till ep 3 comes out (*sometime today*)

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and there definitely seems a lot of bigotry involved in many of the negative reviews...

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The Watch (new series based on Terry Pratchett's Watch/Discworld) got some really bad reviews but I quite liked the first 2 eps?

I'm a little worried #Kollektiva will hit the same problems Sunbeam City did in terms of size and moderation.

I've already seen posts from a mod saying that they are overwhelmed.

We don't want or need monolithic instances for a variety of reasons.

what is somehow worst for me though, is how ugly it is..

my nightly setup has a dark colorscheme with nice pastel-y colors, and a redesigned icon set

last release has a HORRID colorscheme

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Coffee is truly the worst circular dependency, too often while making it i (almost) forget to put in the water first or turn the stove on, etc.. things that wouldn't happen if I'd already had coffee

wish i could carbonate my coffee (yeah i should just replenish my mate supply)

lol using latest normal release of again for a collaborative project and it really sucks, missing sooooo many quality of life improvements that have been in the nightly releases for ages now

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.