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i do expect search engines to do magic, huh

search "finger"
yeah that's gonna be useful when looking for finger *protocol*

or maybe it's something totally different, bodies are horrible at system diagnosis

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i have a mild hangover headache, which is weird cause I had enough water and didnt drink that much yesterday, hmm

delete & redraft, changing things, deciding i dont like it and tooting the original again

Is it gay to seed your torrents bro? I mean you're literally...

glowing cat eyes in the dark is really my aesthetic though

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lotsa goats on hellsite. shoulda been called hornsite or goatsite

I'm looking to commision a UI designer to help design the 250x122 bitmap interface for my e-ink public transit timer. Send me your rate sheet and let's talk!

not serious, conserving alligators is very important they are extremely cool 

@Cyborgneticz I'm gonna be real, just looking at an alligator I'm not sure they need protection from much

really wonder what happened to in a short nginx-not-responding blip


Can I please piggyback on this to say I hate it when someone's outright mask-less on the train and you look at them and they give you this floodlight-level shit-eating grin? 🖕

mh- and world stuff 

can't believe things were starting to feel better but the past months have been so, so much worse and no end in sight

covid nlpol neg 

they still fucking ignore the infection and spread risk of <13 year olds

the schools are fucked
we are fucked

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