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can't do fun programming
don't want to work
absolutely won't touch my quadcopter because i'd be sure to break something

maybe i'll just go vibe outside I guess

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dunno what to do, in the weird spot between tipsy/tired but it's only 8 so no sense in sleeping now either

i better reincarnate as an actual fox chilling in snow,
unaware that computers even exist

@extinct @dankwraith @alice @Aleums

in the late 1980s, British wildlife management researchers and zoologists discovered that rats from East London would take the full size Underground (metro) trains of the Central Line to the West End, raid the bins of the restaurants there and then travel back on the trains (they travelled below the carriages on the bits where the motors and wheels are, so went unnoticed by most people unlike the small mice that are regularly seen at stations)

you've heard of platonic solids, now get ready for solids with benefits

i just can't get over the cute aesthetics
and the open/closing click is such a satisfying stimm

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medical racism, vitriol 

i think it is a fucking crime that J. Marion Sims’ body lays undesecrated in a cemetery. if i could, i would dig his filthy brittle bones out of the ground and perform every act of degregation i could on his fallow corpse. i would scatter pieces of his hair into the depths of oceans, and curse every one.

i hope he is rotting, burning, and bleeding in hell.

i better reincarnate as an actual fox chilling in snow,
unaware that computers even exist

very proud I got myself into epic mode (hyperfixation)

fucking sucks it's to get this whole project done in an evening for a shitty company with terrible pay

I always mess up the moderation and administration sections in the mastodon settings

*click* oh wait I needed the other one

talking about the exclusionary shit I’m seeing today, sorry I just really need to get this off my chest 

So a 13 year old on twitter made a post mentioning “straight lesbians” and of course gatekeeper twitter decided to start sending them death threats and threats of violence so I just want to make it PERFECTLY clear:

A straight lesbian is a gender fluid person who is sometimes a man and sometimes a woman but always attracted to women, so sometimes they are straight and sometimes they are a lesbian

And I am god damn FUMING at all these fucking takes im seeing. “Isn’t that just bi?” “You can’t be a lesbian unless you’re always a woman” “if you’re ever attracted to men then you can’t be a lesbian”

And the more I see this shit just the angrier I get. When did it come to this. When did we suddenly become gender absolutionists. When did self determination become irrelevant. Why do we hate gender fluid people so much? Why do we hate people who aren’t fem or masc? Why do we alienate people with identities that push against the established norms of how we understand sexuality and gender to work?

I see so many people see something they think makes no sense and without trying to be understanding and empathetic they just attack and harass literal children. Swaths of our community have become nothing more than reactionaries.

This is NOT who we fucking are. We aren’t better but we can be. I’m sick of this.

how to wait for stuff, a guide by and for people with adhd:
-you must begin the waiting process
-surely the waiting process is over by now?? you're losing your mind??
-no it's been 3 minutes
-okay sure the waiting process is over now????
-it's been 4 minutes
-[you get distracted by something else]
-it's been 6.3 years

freelance venting 

I'm so done with freelancing for this piece of shit company. I let them talk down my salary in the past and now this asshole keeps lowering the budget to absolutely nothing...

and worst is that this is mainly to help out a friend who works there, so i still feel obligated to do it

knife posting 

i got my new knife and holy shit it's so cute

perfect aesthetic (will post pic when dslr is charged)

how on earth do people keep their hairties around, like.. they just disappear??

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