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My Server keeps crashing (well, to be precise, getting so stuck it needs a cold reboot) - has anyone an idea on what to do?

with LB
I made a post againsy nodejs bashing on my feed, which then got two boosts and one reply doing the exact thing I asked not to do....

ok so all the livereload clients and servers fucking suck and I really didn't want to spend time making my own but might be the only option.......

soo happy with the livereloading in now :D
what you see here is me updating the title meta of the page at ./aaa.mdx, causing that pages <title> tag to update, and also causing updates on all pages that use a component displaying other page's titles

now just adding livereloading for assets (stylesheet bundle, and fonts/images/etc)
and some small fixes, and this big refactor will be done :D

(and yes I'll be splitting commits properly again after this big chaos refactor is done)

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owo look at me adding sexy diff output to

(it's more for debugging now, than use in production tho)

i have a 20% off coupon for cablemod and don't know anyone who can make use of it so i'm throwing it out here

let me know if you want it and i'll DM the code!

boosts appreciated

#gameing #gaming #computer #pc #hardware

it's okay not to know stuff, it's not incompetency

threw some of my favorite tunes in a playlist (more to add later)

played xonotic well, ending with a really nice 1vX clutch, got my coffee, my lunch, time to start programming!!

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Master Boot Record released a new album and nobody told me???

ahh yes i love seeing people on my TL complain about node.js without basis /s

covid, angry, parents-- 

love waking up happy for once, thinking today is going to be productive only for it to burn to the ground before I even finish breakfast

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covid, angry, parents-- 

it's your typical "oh no the mainstream media is fooling us", "it has no effect on most people so it's fine", full of disingenious phrasing and half-truths

what makes me the most angry though, is that this is being spread at an ""anthroposophic"" general practicioner

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covid, angry, parents-- 

mom gave me some anti-covid handout and I wasn't going to read it to preserve my mental health but glancing at the title already made me angry enough that it won't matter now...

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.