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as our is highly discouraging people to come, we started a box of potentially useful stuff to be mailed around; just received it from the first sender :D

made a really nice cappucino, time to vibe real hard to Ludovico Einaudi again while I clean my desk

According to all known laws
of aviation,

there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.

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spent the better part of this morning trying to photograph a bee

whoa, wakatime reports I've actively worked in vscode for 6 hours today

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had a super productive day today, getting a better chair really helped I think.
further working on my routine, wake up early tomorrow :) (weekends are a spook all days are the same now)

im really really vibing to some piano music rn

: For the Love of a Princess / Hymn to the Sea / Wallace Courts Murron - Jacob's Piano

work vent 

a theoretical person who is certainly not me would be tempted to throw a brick in wix' office, but they're probably all """"working""" from home anyways

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work vent, crimes against web tech 

there is almost a perverse joy that comes with it though, subverting the horrible restrictions and getting things done

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work vent, crimes against web tech 

to make things work with wix I have to do workaround after workaround after shitty hack and it's making me sick

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work vent, covid related 

also ddg stop showing me your covid info card when I search for "Wix Corvid"

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work vent 

wix your platform s u c k s

everyone I like on the internet should just live in one big appartment complex so I can visit

focussing is hard

* both is the adhd sense and the dslr-taking-pictures sense

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.