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"The Universe" from Peacock and Sefa always wakes me up pretty well.

trying to awake myself by listening french core (Dr. Peacock - This life is lost) and promising myself heaps of caffeine

Periodic reminder that the abbreviation for people of indeterminate gender in the Talmud is תיית.

It's a happy face!

site coming along nicely, slowly getting everything hooked up to my work-in-progress MDX cms.

yeah of course im making my own, all the others suck in different ways so I'm making one for the gazillionth time

why does international bank transfer take so fuckin long its just swaping numbers around aaaa

hah, I took my iced coffee at exactly the right moment. Kicked in just when I had to do a bunch of things :D

oof, why did I move the money off my mastercard. Want to fund this amazing new card deck on kickstarter. Hope the money transfers from my normal bank account before the earlybird sale runs out

Hey, so, since Mastodon's been amazing to me and probably the main drive force behind the recent pin sales, I'd love to give back a little. I don't have a ton of money (shop/patreon are pretty much my only sources atm) but I'd like to donate $50 between, say, 5 servers that are struggling just as a test for now?
Paypal only, sorry i'm not one of the cool kids :( If you're an admin of a masto instance or would like to nominate one, DM me!
(got covered already, of course)

lasercut a mounting plate for the VTX antenna, held in place nicely :D

now it's waiting for chinese new year before all the other parts arrive :>

Oh, awesome. @Tutanota are using a reputation based RBL, which means that my self-hosted mail server can't send email there. (And helpfully, the URL I get back to look for more info is a 404... doubly awesome).

If you want to fight for email privacy, a terrific way to do that is to push people towards big email hosters who have the reputation for these blocklists, and will definitely not mine your email for data to sell. </sarcasm>

DHCP be like hey have you seen my uplink

And then your host is all what's uplink

And DHCP be like lmao sike gottem 😂😂😂👌💯 your gateway is, net mask and your address is

meh, want to test my site for screen readers but can't get any to work on linux...

and now for RevSpace's 10th birthday, a panel from our IKEA frens

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.