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meh, want to test my site for screen readers but can't get any to work on linux...

and now for RevSpace's 10th birthday, a panel from our IKEA frens

so yeah, been testing my new backpack for the past few days and aaaaaaaaa it's so gooood

@KitsuneAlicia "I don't see what I could possibly have in common with this living thing that shares my planet. Now, this fictional construct someone who exploits me told me about? I find it /really/ easy to relate to that. Must be natural and right and good!"

did a test solder, with the stannol solder and my new TS100 chisel tip, super nice :D

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my slavery free, lead free, nice quality flux solder wire arrived :D

Imagine going "I'm going to work on this meme for ten years!" and thinking that is a... meaningful amount of action against the threats that face us!

Is that meme even going to be relevant in a decade? There's going to be nearly half a billion people displaced from their current homes by then.

These long-haul, big-work, small-effect plans... are not plans, they are excuses, self-inflicted pillow talk that distracts and eases the pain of the challenge you won't face.

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coffee is just the haste spell:

-extra action per round (zoom)
-double movement speed (z o o m)
- +2 AC (extra tolerance for the day's bullshit)
- no action or movement for a round when it wears off
- requires a second level spell slot

stealing memes without image descriptions and reposting them *with* is praxis

@mray join a #matrix server from some collective :fediverse: you can trust. Regarding individuals :anarchism: running servers yes both #xmpp or matrix are on the same boat but I prefer matrix.

pcb design is way too addictive

quick design to mount the vtx and receiver in a 20x20 stack of the frame

had a dream where I (amongst other things) smashed a surveillance robot :P

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.