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Royalston makes some pretty unique dnb, good sounds and very well-sung vocals

Royalston featuring Hannah Joy - People On The Ground

Royalston - Black Cloud (feat. Victoria )

Royalston - Give Me The Word (feat. Hannah Joy)

oki it's bullet journalling time aaa let's get this shit set up

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you are struggling with your transition I highly recommend the vague but great advice of “Just try things.”

Do lots of different things and take stock of how you feel. And then do more things. Listen to yourself. Trust your own psychological and emotional responses. Some things won’t work, they won’t work at all. Stop doing those things

And when you find things you like, do them more. Find more things that give you that positive feeling.

Just, don’t ever give up doing shit.

@AudreyJune this is exactly what I mean when I make the lightning bolt analogy

lightning doesn't get it right on the first try, instead forking off this way and that, trying out various possible paths, but eventually all that forking about finds the path most suited to the lightning bolt, then it commits

the forked paths don't lead all the way to the ground, but that's fine, those were there to find the path that not only did, but did so in the best way

the lightning bolt discovers itself by continuous experimentation

if you were at #36c3 and enjoyed the origami teahouse in komona, we lost a few items over the course of the congress (mugs, half of an electric kettle (?!), teapots) you can send us teahouse organizers a donation to help cover costs:

🖤 :tealheart:

But Jenny drew me charges
And she filled them up with water
And then called on Captain Pharrell
To be haaappyyyyyyy
Clap along if you feel
Like a room without a roof

my friends told me to "try wasabi nuts" and I did but turns out I'm not really into CBT, jfc this burns

Over the last few days we've had constant requests to respond to's 'The ecosystem is moving' blog post & recent 36c3 talk - we've tried to articulate Matrix's viewpoint over at

uff, I wonder for how long seeing 2020 in timestamps next to posts will still feel weird

finally took the time to properly go through the entrance requirements for the thing I want to study next year.
I'm getting pretty fuckin hyped lets hope I am one of the 350 students that make the procedure

considering this from the longer "What is a drop of rain compared to the storm? What is a thought compared to the mind? Our unity is full of wonders, which your tiny individualism cannot even conceive." - The Many (System Shock)

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so now that I'm getting more into pcb design, I *really* need similar quotes on mine.
suggestions and boosts highly welcome!!

This is the time for us to be totally on our bullshit, to disregard the sensible and conformist, and embrace our own personal flavor of bizarre. Cheers!

MDX is quite a cool format, mixing markdown with react components.
sucks it's only really ment to be used with a set of meh site generators.
If you want your own implementation there's a snippet that they use in their integration tests, that's it

have an alright year
have a year
be another decade
continue living on

@HDValentin Ich höre gerade zur Bewältigung der Übergangsphase in die Nicht-#36c3-Welt die altbekannte Pausenmusik ;) (Fear of Ghosts von Machine Lullaby).

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