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public transport during is.. an experience lol
poor S-Bahn train and tram filled to the brim with hackers

Zombie Zombie - Rocket Number 9 (Gesaffelstein Remix)
is about the rocket and you can't convince me otherwise

what the fuck lowtechmagazine, you pull your fancy schmancy "oh were all low-bandwith and solar powered", but then you're behind FUCKING Cloudflare, banning ips (not even a captcha).
Where's the low tech solarpunk shit huh, liberal hippie garbage

Trying out NixOS with morph for my new vps, over ICE wifi :P
mosh to other vps, then ssh to the nixos livecd running on the new server

tip: create a luks container as file (like so:
and keep a copy of your gnupg keys, ssh keys and encrypted backup passwords.
after closing the luks container, you can copy that to (multiple) USB sticks/SD-cards safely

The 2019 Matrix Holiday Special is here!! Our very own festive attempt to review everything that happened in 2019 while looking forward into the mists of 2020. Thanks all supporting Matrix through a crazy year - here’s to the next decade!

if anyone has good reading suggestions (preferably available in epub on libgen), shoot em my way

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backup still running, completely sucking up my very limited bandwidth.
time for webdesign, with cached offline :D

also this is good training for when I'll be on the train in Germany, as internet will cut out *a lot*

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@lynnesbian i left myself a note in an envelope marked "open (specific year here)" that said "look under the mattress for that £20 u stashed. love, ur drunk self" and i got really excited and lifted the mattress up to find another note that just said "PSYCH"

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.