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aaa I love rain but not at the one moment I want to go outside

regarding the whole fedibooks drama 

the FSE admin is still mad about what happened and he's talking about how i abused my power

i know i abused my power, but i believe that abuse was justified. the amount of harassment i've experienced from FSE is unreal. i found it entertaining at first because of how easy it was to mess with the harassers, but as time went on it began to grate on me, so i just blocked FSE. easy as that.

as the admin of a community, you hold responsibility for what your users do. i had even asked p (the admin) to ban one of the particularly shitty people once (i'm pretty sure this person was the guy who went on to make that wages of sin death site) and he refused. if you allow abuse to happen when you're fully aware and able to stop it, you're being a bad person. i'm sure you learned about being a "bully bystander" in primary school.

so this community of shits decides they want to use my service for free. i could have just banned their bot, but that wouldn't have sent the right message. they almost certainly would have recreated it on a different instance in an attempt to hide it from me. so i decided to really show them that they weren't welcome by posting the oauth token, allowing anyone to post from this bot.

sure enough, i've seen a few other shitty people saying that they're revoking fedibooks' access to their bots. this is exactly what i wanted - nazis know they aren't welcome now.

the rise of the far right is a very real thing, and it won't be pushed back by peaceful protests and letters to congressmen. stonewall was a violent demonstration. we need to play outside the rules to show these people that they aren't welcome, and this whole pbooks drama is a perfect example of that. i could have just banned the bot, but i took it a step further, and now nazis are afraid to use my service.

i'm not saying that my actions are comparable to stonewall or anything. i'm saying that every act of resistance, no matter how small, matters. given how angry and upset the FSE community is about this, and how other alt-right types are leaving fedibooks, i'd say i've won.

i don't plan on doing this again, but i will if things get bad and nazis start to think they're welcome again.

part of is going down for a bit, hardware maintenance because shit got a bit dusty

@GreenandBlack in New York most folks have an unlimited metrocard, and people who are too poor to afford one will often ask to be swiped in by people on their way out. it's generally polite New York etiquette to swipe these people in.

the city government has tried to crack down on it claiming that it's costing the city money (lol), but the response to that from the resounding majority of New Yorkers has been "fuck you"

A girl I've been texting on bumble for a week or so got in a car crash and sent me a selfie of her bloody face with the caption "I lived bitch" so yeah I'm excited for our first date this Friday

I hope the M5 quadcopter nut I lost in the grass will live a happy life, and hopefully grow a nice big M5-nut-tree I can harvest in a few years

unsure whether to stick with Debian Sid for my reinstall on new ssd, or Arch

correction: Gentoo did not "just work" with LUKS, maybe Arch will

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I love Debian (sid) but I always forget how utterly useless the livecd is for any sort of recovery/quick shell things.
Just put Gentoo on my usb again because that just works, how ironic that might sound

hi im storm and i'm new to mastodon :) i'm a self-employed artist who is working on setting up shop selling prints and other merch of my original art. I do a lot of different kinds of art, and i have a variety of interests, including but not limited to: the occult, space, programming, trans issues, an*rchism, and, of course, art. i'm looking for community, so if you follow me, I'll check you out!! #introduction #art #lgbtq #nonbinary

The old "Money doesn't buy happiness but it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercades than on a bike" is true, but you only cry happy tears on a bike. I've cried, but on a bike I'm never truly sad, because I've got a bike...

There's no feeling in this world greater than being on a bike on a nice road or track, or fully off the track, and feeling fucking cool as all shit. There is no better feeling on this Earth or anywhere else.

Bikes are the greatest mode of transportation and fun ever invented and it is impossible to change my mind. Skateboards come in a close second though.

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backpack review 4/4
I really like it so far, will be taking it out for a spin shortly. See rest of the thread for more details~

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backpack review 3/4
it comes with lots of zipped parts for all your parts/tools/cables, and the main section has these velcro dividers you can place yourself

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backpack review 2/4
The materials are super nice, and it's all really good quality. Part of it's features is the hard protector that loops all the way around, preventing your stuff from squishing

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backpack review 1/4
so this was probably the biggest pakidge I've ever received from China. the outer plastic was mangled in some places but the bag was perfectly fine

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