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lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to is this generation's Classical music and holy shit this track is beautiful
KUPLA - still breathing

From the inspiring photo of a trans woman pissing on a cop car #acab

video of it in action on separate post since Mastodon can't combine that....

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second time doing a full camera replacement on this quad.. so fragile

fuck my dumb monkey brain is being affected by the pcb colour of different SSD's Im considering buying

second-guessing my choice for WriteFreely vs Plume again, thoughts?

I updated all my servers this afternoon, except one

now guess which server I want to use and now need to wait for an update

my laptop might need a bigger ssd, don't even have enough space to upgrade packages anymore

I went back to bspwm and I'm so glad I did why did I ever use i3

J'ai déjà parlé d'Hayley Williams mais je n'ai pas parlé de KEANU REEVES

Meh, still no Postgres support for
Also no information if SQLite will scale well enough...

What I want to do with my life is enrich a community, not a bloody company.

Heads up that (hopefully) @matrix is back up and alive again at last on shiny new infra... complete with crossposting to/from the birdsite?

so Youtube wanted me to try again, and wew this actually seems like a great interface. Wonder how long it'll last before being paywalled or outright scrapped

decommissioning Aecor from the pixietown/lainhaus infrastructure, as my digital ocean student credit is about to run out lol

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.