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Watching Killjoys and it reminds me of Firefly while also having some kickass music

hackint meta? 

so the hackint irc network has a ban on all forms of Matrix bridging. It's a weird stance, since for a while, they even ran their own server with bridge. Then they suddenly stopped that, didn't even ask the Matrix team for support (they'd gladly help), and only leave a very short and vague blogpost

It's so vague, and weird how they do provide an XMPP bridge for example

I also uploaded my systemd service+timer to set this automatically, with instructions in the README

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holy fuck im gonna see Noisia live tomorrow so glad I saw the posters while cycling lmao

it's gay day, who want some 

"I don't want our dog to chase runners." - "Well I'd chase that one." - "Souvka, ..."


"It it warm in here or was the delivery guy-" - "Souvka, what is the matter with you today?!"


"This dish looks a little... phallic to me..." - "Souvka I swear to god"

Also, please submit your favorite quotes or other tidbits to include in the quote version :)

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I made a nicer version of the earth wallpaper script I had a long time ago.
It'll use the compressed 800x800 feed, and turn it into a 1920x1080 wallpaper without watermark

and hosted version at

bonus points for stuff that doesn't involve blockchains :P

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hmm, night bicycle ride musings.
How would you deal with proving online identities (better). Stuff like keybase seems quite off since it's so centralized. With decentralized it might be hard to prove it's still you, even after having servers crash/accounts lock etc

(incoherent) ideas and boosts most welcome

Now available with's quote at

They both cache for 10 minutes and then update, giving you the latest feed from the satellite api

Might change the quote every once in a while :)

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I made a nicer version of the earth wallpaper script I had a long time ago.
It'll use the compressed 800x800 feed, and turn it into a 1920x1080 wallpaper without watermark

and hosted version at

For all the responses this got:
No matter your sleeping habits or ""productivity"" levels: YOU ARE VALID

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Hi, I need 2-3 people to read through a medium post in the next hour or so.

You will receive credit for helping edit it as per how Medium works with that stuff \o/

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.