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The guiding principles of are based off the Chaos Computer Club's ethical guidlines. These include:

Access to computers - and anything which might teach you something about the way the world really works - should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!
All information should be free.
Mistrust authority - promote decentralization.
Hackers should be judged by their acting, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position.
You can create art and beauty on a computer.
Computers can change your life for the better.
Don't litter other people's data.
Make public data available, protect private data.

All users on are expected to uphold these principles on and offline. We strive for a better internet, guided by these ideals. Furthermore, does NOT tolerate hate or fascists. We do NOT tolerate abusers. We do NOT tolerate people who hurt our friends.We will defederate with no warning, as is within our rights.

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new RAM has been ordered :O
can't wait to go from 8 to 20 gb

the Q.A. testing joke 

A quality assurance tester walks into a bar.
They order a beer.
They order two beers.
They order half a beer.
They order -1 beers.
They order square root of -2 beers.
They order a lizard.
The first actual customer walks into the bar and asks where the restroom is, which causes the bar to burst into flames.

the aforementioned joke about limits 

A group of mathematicians walks into a bar.
The first orders one beer.
The second orders half a beer.
The third orders a quarter of a beer.
Before the fourth can order, the bartender sets down two beers and says "you guys need to know your limits."

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Discord/Cloudflare are down, see you in the Matrix

*searches for Matrix toot from the previous cloudflare outage to boost it*

if you're like me, remembering your mother's maiden names can be difficult when your parents are a vast interconnected mesh of polyamorous lesbians. lastpass offers military gra

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I have a clip that fits perfectly with Daydream (, unfortunately I'll only put the very first part on youtube. After that the flying is still exquisite, but it's also me buzzing around scouting peep's head i don't wanna dox

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even tho I stopped watching Mr. Robot after season 1, the songs are great. make me want to edit more quadcopter clips, like the Dubvirus - Razorgirl one

tom scott being cool, transmisia, longish 

In 2013, Tom Scott made a video about english's singular "they" that referenced nonbinary people who use it because neither "he" or "she" fit them. I just found a... blog post? A sort of blog post thing he wrote about it, which makes a minor correction about something that slipped through the editing process. Whatever. What's much more interesting to me is the rest of the post.

When the video was posted, it was uncontroversial. It gained relatively few dislikes, and he mentions that most of those were from speakers of languages with grammatical gender who felt their language had been insulted. But in around 2016, it started to gather a lot more dislikes. I'm sure those of you here on fedi can imagine why. The reference to nonbinary people went from being "FYI, these people exist" to "I'm taking a side in a political issue" which, I suppose he is, but that was never his point.

But I really like this quote that he uses to finish the post:

It seems that, over the last few years, non-binary and trans folks have reached stage three on the Williams Scale: ‘then they fight you’. Hopefully, it won't take long to reach stage four: ‘then you win’.

watching Cloud Atlas and you probably need big brain to understand this all. It's cool so far though

oh wow, Crucial is actually not too expensive. Might just order it now

self, outfits of the day + gay, indirect eye contact 

"the girlfriend that likes choking and the girlfriend that likes gardening"


I really need to get more RAM :>
Might have some freelance work again soon though

need to charge my headset so I'm now tethered by two wires (aux and charging). Place your bets if im gonna knock shit over because I forget

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.