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Having pronouns in your bio is important to normalise the practise, not just gor trans people but everybody. If only trans people do it, then it becomes a marker of who is trans, if you all do it then it's just a standard thing. I know it can be annoying to be asked over and over yo do it, but it is important

doing row reduction n shit, I really do like the project more than this linear algebra garbage...

This is a formal request for pictures of birds. You do not need to have known or seen the bird yourself.

I have a friend who is sad, and she likes birds. She specifically likes birbs, borbs, kiss a bird gently, and rond fluff bois.

I would like to send her images of the above. thank u all 🖤

Help yourself.

Watch firefly.
This show is gud

minor bicycle accident 

I drove over it, but luckily was able to land at least partly on the grass. big toe and knee hurt, but im fine

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I like the smell of storm etc but fuck this piece of tree that was hiding on the dark bicycle path

finally received the new camera, so was time to transfer everything to the new pink frame, also replacing one of the motors that was acting weird

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fun little PSA for twitter users:

twitter is auto-banning people who post the "shut the fuck up terf" pic with an anime girl holding a gun

so yep, there is an algorithm out there that specifically tracks that image and bans people for using it :V

anyway, i frequently hear from people who have said that Pleroma has literally helped people make new friends, and that without Pleroma and the wider fediverse in general, these people would likely have already committed suicide.

when i hear things like this, it validates to me that we are doing the right thing, even if democratizing access to the fediverse means that assholes can use the software for throwaway troll instances.

Taiwan has a 'digital minister' that actually knows here stuff, and they're setting up ways to combat disinformation (fake news) without censorship, but keeping an eye on when it arises, and fact-checking/providing correct information as fast as possible

my homeserver setup got about a 100% sketchier, but its fine it keeps the temperature down and I have backups

lewd joke 

cat goes meow, demon goes "fuck me harder Mommy"

Wow so apparently if your instance is behind Cloudflare's web application firewall and someone posts something that looks like a Unix filepath you will receive a 403 when trying to send the toot!

trying to get my feed populated again by vaguely remembering just enough about people I used to follow to find them again.

My memory's a mess
also the federated TL sucks

Information on the lesbian pride flag, and why it was surprisingly difficult to google-image-search!

RT Here's an alternate lesbian flag with less pink - and bonus, less transphobia: I quite like the colorway *and* the classical allusion.


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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.