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after this sysadmin success, it's time to go to a dnb party tonight

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yay got the Matrix<>Telegram bridge set up :)

Neo has been migrated to the new domain as well
New room at
Site at
Neo at

Git will be migrated once is up soon(tm)

@dirb @starwall @tom79 @brainblasted Any software developer includes constraints within their applications. In this case a hardcoded blocklist of known neo-nazi instances would be a reasonable constraint and the user could remove that and recompile if they wanted to.

Associating with nazis or other kinds of genocidal authoritarians doesn't increase or preserve anyone's freedom. Rather, it jeopardizes it.

oof having to resort to the federated timeline scrounging to find the people i used to follow

Very very interesting read:

"We are developers and designers making apps for the GNOME platform. We take pride in our craft and work hard to make sure our applications are a great experience for people.

Unfortunately, all our efforts designing, developing, and testing our apps are made futile by theming in many cases."

hmm apparently I never exported my follows rip so guess here's my post

I'm a programmer and sometime sysadmin, I run where I provide free software services for comfy ppl to use.

My main project is a client called Neo which you can find at
I also play and when I have the time

Some blurb of tags:

Matrix is really having a struggle, after migrating my account to 45 rooms it's getting absolutely hammered

I'm back fediverse woop woop! / had a tragic accident, but it was time to move on anyways.

So hello from !
Matrix and Mastodon work again, and more services are being set up.


Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.