Show newer @selfisekai buddy, I work at the haskell factory, they don't even let *me* fuck the monads

@dysphoricunicorn using a bunch of IntersectionObservers and a dynamically changing up to which point the timeline should be truncated, which is advanced by the go deeper button, and reduced when a section should dissappear

@dysphoricunicorn I got quite stuck on this before too :") None of the virtualized list component libraries seemed to work well with dynamically sized items, so after lots of hacking I wrote something that seems to work quite well now; based on sections of the timeline that are far outside view simplifying to a single fixed height placeholder element (calculated from the rendered toots at the point of hiding), or if it's at the bottom of the timeline, getting removed entirely

@42GB oh yep, reused from fedifox-shield and GoToSocial :)

read-only interface can get kinda frustrating tho lol, seeing good toots I want to interact with but can't :")

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the timeline is getting so comfy to scroll through, think I finally figured out the way I want to do virtualized scrolling, preserving resources by not rendering the entire stored timeline, but still having the option to go far into backlog, which is then cleaned up again if you scroll back up

try it out on

@haskal but instead I created something much more unsettling

kicad workflows are kind of ass

there's still a billion UX papercuts

hustle culture, caps lock 

I fucking hate that "Alexander the Great conquered the world by the time he was 30, what have you done" meme that hustle culture bros like to push


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