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i keep reading that you can't catch up on lost sleep (due to uni starting way earlier than my natural cycle...). So why do I sleep 13 hours on Sunday then


why do I feel like a really big hangover when I barely had anything to drink yesterday

why is my wife so determined to throw me down a well

sorry i was just roasting the bread, this is how you make toast right

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man this bread sucks, it looks bad, it smells bad, it doesn't contain enough nutrients

also our national post taking advantage to charge another 4 euros """handling fees""" which is almost as much as the tax I pay :|

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fucking brexit means I have to pay import tax on my Ben Bohmer album print :|

@kawaiipunk i mean, the article has some valid points about having to trust the policy/code of the app (same with signal!) but is structured kinda clickbaity. It makes sense to me that reporting a message sends the content to the reporting system, just like reporting a DM on here makes it viewable to moderators

I wrote a pretty decent auto-tree farm though, programming your own turtles/robots is so much more satisfying than automagic farm machines

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doing OpenComputers stuff and Lua is... painfull

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