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@wgahnagl a friend just sent me the sweetest cow video she took and my heart melted

request for money 

My donation links:

Cash app $st1ner (rockie)

Venmo @dj_enby (r a)

Again please only donate if you can afford! I hate asking at all but I am just so tired of this shit 😔

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request for money 

I’m 27 and I make 10.50 an hour, I’ve been working full time for about 6 years now in kitchen BoH. I’m not starving or in danger of losing my home at the moment, but I’ve already been doing this for 6 years and I’m gonna be here for another few more at least. My body hurts every day, my mental health has been bad since high school, I am beyond tired of making food for unthankful bougies. I need medicine and a break from this hell. If you can please donate:
(Links in next toot)

I've been staring at this nested-header generation code for most of the day now
(to turn a list of h1-h6 elements into)
1 section
1.1 subsection
1.2 etc

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on empathy? 

or maybe im just being overly empathetic, projecting how I would react myself

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on empathy? 

Especially lately I've seen a lot of people be (accidentally/"jokingly") hurtful towards others who I know are in a bad state mentally.
It really got me like "why would you say it like that, surely you know they're not doing well"

But it made me think that maybe you only really get awareness for these things if you are/have been as vulnerable yourself?

actually, does anyone have good resources on writing technical documentation? :boost_ok:

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time to write more documentation I guess

but fuck this is tiring and dunno if I can even explain this shit well enough for it to be useful

love how wix will just decide which components/editor sections are broken for the day, and you just sorta have to work around it I guess

you have no idea how fucking tempting it is to block out their site with a "this company treats their employees like shit tell them to fuck off" but that would only make things worse

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the DOOM 2016 soundtrack has really gotten me through a lot of horrible programming projects, and today it will help me once again

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companies can get away with so much because who has the time and money to go and sue the place that feeds and houses them

work -- 

fuck these boomers and fuck capitalism

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work -- 

and like in very different circumstances I could've enjoyed this. finding quick solutions, working around the (many) Wix limitations like a puzzle.

But I've been so utterly and consistently screwed over on payments and I've seen enough of these boomers rant and UGH

All I wanted was to help out my friend and this is where I got

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work --, not directed at reader, covid 

maybe don't try cash in on covid masks n shit because your other *two* buisness are failing and just fuck off??

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