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@anarchiv isn't particularly in use currently but they'd absolutely say tuberculosis

older diseases like 'pest' (plague), 'tering' (turbucolosis), 'tyfvus' (typhus) are most common, I wonder if/when covid gets into the swearing vocab

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@anarchiv it's *usually* not people aimed, and cancer specifically is still frowned upon by a lot of people, but yeah, people say that

smh this lecture slide uses a rounded result halfway so their answer is off :|

Still wild to me that the Dutch are the only people to curse with illnesses

covid thoughts 

listening back this lecture recording from 2019, apparently such an amount of coughing was just normal back then. Nowadays I still internally panick every time I hear a sniff or a cough

self-prohibition, productivity culture, writing glad I could read this instead of studying :P

first two done, let's see if I get anything done on the third

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so, if *I* can't find it, your UI nesting *really* sucks

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i had 3 cappuccinos yesterday and I was fine wth is this cafeïne logic

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wtf it's already 17:00 and i haven't done shit yet

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