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IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) section done, it's the chip that combines a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer to let the quad know where it is

@StroomAfwaarts well not really "print" haha, there's a lot of design up front, then sending assembly instructions to chinese pcb fabricators, then assembling those pcbs

but yeah it's what im currently considering..

I think it's time to start designing my own flightcontroller, would fix basically all the issues in exchange for a bunch of initial time...

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I'm so sick of these quadcopter parts...
no documentation whatsoever, super expensive, very fragile, takes ages to get replacements...

holy shit it's really just tshirt n shorts weather???

lossless* compression

*well we kinda just threw half the bytes away

Babe can you just hold my katana for a second? I must *shit poste*

caf, dissociation? 

(reverbed) w h o a a a

I will have to transplant the larger flightcontroller from my older quad, and somehow mount that securely

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hopefully this quad will finally be flyable after the horrors I commit tonight :')

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