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don't mind me just taking fake perspective pictures with this dino keychain blue-tac-ed to my monitor

all done :D

tomorrow (cause it's really bedtime now...)
doing nginx, wireguard mesh, deploying these to hetzner etc

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here we goooo

last issue is I don't actually have access to the root account, nor a password on this user (only my ssh key) so can't sudo either :')

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my first boot!!!

ZFS set up, wiping itself to an empty snapshot on startup

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friend sent me stickers, so i decorated the todo notebook/bulletjournal

im translating chat quotes for it this is great

not like i'd ever be able to match the Cool Funny (tm) blog writers but might as well try liven it up a bit

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not sure if I'll actually *use* these new combos but hey, it's something :P

basically getting and setting window_gap (for the focussed desktop only)

bspc config -d $(bspc query -D -d .focused) window_gap

more changes~
combining bits from wal and colorz generated output, and i found an extension for vscode to have it use the wal theme too :3

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feels good to code again, even if it's tiny simple scripts like these

other than that will be indulging in fall aesthetic, with lofi, diy (dirty) chai and looking at pictures as below

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.