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wooo can now import react modules, both from a site's directory and from npm!

Want to write math in your pages? Just get something like react-katex and just works(tm) :D

vegetarian food 

made spinach quiche, which I loved ever since childhood :3 Absolutely delicious


turning my last bit of German peppermint liqor into code

only when I got home I realised this shot is even nicer, so layered with the branches in front but perfect focus on the cat still

so I present "oh cat of the trees, what is your wisdom" take 2 :P

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I may or may not have stepped in some while chasing this bumblebee with my camera

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oh yeah I filled my pen with my other J. Herbin ink a while ago and it's now gotten to the point where it's not mixed with the older purple anymore, really pretty :3

my quad is fully operational :D

except my goggles apparently broke so can't really fly yet...

had to basically lie down on the sidewalk but the shot was soo worth it

made a nice Mumble indicator with my M5Stack, which is an incredibly adorable ESP32 with 5x5 rgb leds, ir transmitter, pushbutton in the screen, accelerometer, all in a nice package.

It pings the mumble server for connected user count, and displays it in a fading rgb animation, made the font myself too :D

look at this man absolutely vibin in his kitchen giving a great set to 6.4k viewers/listeners

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todays dslr pic: figured out the perfect sun angle to make the watchface relief pop out

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