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Made great progress on the chat client part of Matrix Stream Chat, soon(tm) it will be embeddable next to my Owncast stream instead of the default internal chat

Spent a lot of time on the emoji picker so far haha

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pretty nice to use my own fancy photos of my pcb designs as slideshow fillers

alc aesthetic 

i mean this is some kinda aesthetic right, loving the 28mm for close/medium range

and as screenshot because that video's gonna absolutely kill Mastodon gg

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The very first release of Matrix Stream Chat is here!

powered community interactions on *your* livestreaming, through any OBS supported service!

code & instructions at

and hosted instance at

this is the new lens, Kenlock f/2.8 28mm

bit worn but a solid chonker, and still moves very smoothly

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got my new old lens, so what do I do with it? take pictures of my other lenses of course

hell yeah!

First running prototype of Matrix Stream Chat, powered community interactions on *your* livestreaming!

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.