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I think I mostly got there? Just not sure if it'll replace's current design. Maybe when I also finish Shayu v2 and make better galleries

also I need to figure out a better nav menu style still

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i looked over at the tooting box and this was there and i have NO idea what i was going to toot

i'm using the library a lot again and it's sooo good because you can check data like a typed system but with actually useful constraints (and nicely formatted errors).
And these are the bare minimum, you can do a lot more involved value checks or modifications;

aaaa this is the best initiative ever

there's an underwater livestream near a sluice, and if there's fish you can use the doorbell button to alert the control person, if there's many fish they open the sluice gates to let the fish through

I love how chinese product innovation combines so many things, like literally everything will have at least a bluetooth speaker

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