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but damn it's almost ready and already working soo well :DD

any change in a (nested) dependency will only update *actually* affected page

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once again promising myself to get better at committing as I go...

im so happy with this shot.
dusk, after rain, so comf and so aesthetic

i love recursive functions because i love recursive functions

the hackerspace has these screens to hopefully help against covid spread, but they also make for some incredible reflections from the various led things :D (pictured is game of life on a ledbanner behind where I took the picture)

(redraft as somehow tusky lost the caption...)

has a very fancy new feature:
Any errors that happen during your development (either in your content, components, or layout) will get displayed not just in your console, but in an overlay over the last succesful page render

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.