Doing a loose, non-committal survey: if you're a software developer, would you be interested in collaborating on FOSS projects that are:
1. Uncompromisingly open-source (no "open-core" or "enterprise edition" nonsense)
2. Explicitly anti-fascist and anti-capitalist
3. Trying to solve some sort of unsolved/structural technical problem(s) in an unconventional way, even if it means going against 'common wisdom' and 'programming culture' on a lot of points?

I have a bunch of these projects and it's getting pretty lonely, so I'm trying to gauge whether it's worth putting out a call for collaborators. Most (but not all) of these are in JS.


@joepie91 I already use a bunch of your libraries all over the place, and work on additional things as needed, so yes :p

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