:boosts_ok_gay: Hey! I'm looking for design feedback on current fediverse clients, both web, mobile and desktop.

What decisions do you like? What do you dislike? What new features would you like to see?

And for Mastodon Web specifically: do you prefer the single-column or multi-column (advanced mode) layout? Why?

:boost_ok: :boost_requested: :boosts_ok_gay:

@f0x I prefer multi column on web. And the ability to easily switch between columns on phone.

I love the ability to change a setting though! But I'd like multi column to be default to show it as an option and have single one as an offer be part of the... Introduction... On boarding modal, which is very long in the future.

@maloki I'm wondering if just having a center column with the timeline, and one next to it for the selected thread isn't enough 'multi' columns for most people. Especially when notifications are also visible to the side

@f0x I mean, what if that's the basics, and then you can pin stuff as you go?

@f0x which is kind of similar to how how masto web does advanced.


@maloki true yeah. Idk, i've been using the advanced interface for ages but i'm starting to feel (or notice) it being to overwhelming for me. But the simple interface is lacking too much so.. looking for a good in-between model if possible

@f0x yeah, that makes sense.

Maybe we can ask the question, if you could combine your favorite features of single column and multi column interfaces of using Mastodon (so like include other apps like pinafore etc), what would you want?

Actually the more I thin about it, there's some stuff I wanted to talk with you in private about, and we can probably roll in the next natural part for me for this in the too.

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