:boosts_ok_gay: Hey! I'm looking for design feedback on current fediverse clients, both web, mobile and desktop.

What decisions do you like? What do you dislike? What new features would you like to see?

And for Mastodon Web specifically: do you prefer the single-column or multi-column (advanced mode) layout? Why?

:boost_ok: :boost_requested: :boosts_ok_gay:

@f0x I think it might be interesting to have a layout like macos finder's multicolumn layout where you'd have your timeline first and clicking a post would open it in a new column to the right


@easrng isn't that pretty much what the mastodon advanced layout does? with posts opening in the rightmost sidebar

@f0x kinda? it doesn't look like you can go deeper into a thread in a new column, also imo when you open a new column it should open directly adjacent to the column you're opening it from and not all the way to the right. I'll try to draw an example of what i was thinking of

@easrng thanks for the illustrative drawing :D
What I'm currently considering will have the "view thread" on the right hand side, so right to the timeline you clicked it from, social.pixie.town/@f0x/1092009
But I don't think I'll implement going arbitrarily deep like that, for now at least

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