:boosts_ok_gay: Hey! I'm looking for design feedback on current fediverse clients, both web, mobile and desktop.

What decisions do you like? What do you dislike? What new features would you like to see?

And for Mastodon Web specifically: do you prefer the single-column or multi-column (advanced mode) layout? Why?

:boost_ok: :boost_requested: :boosts_ok_gay:

Context: I'm starting on a new fediverse webclient, FediFox. It's starting point is having a more full-fledged client that's independent of server implementations (but mostly geared towards ).

I'm designing both for web (laptop/desktop) and mobile (PWA)

Current web-based instance-independent implementations are Pinafore and Brutaldon, but they both focus on "minimalism" too much for my taste. I have no idea if I can provide better UX, but I'm going to try :)


i wonder if there's a better way to marry the multi and single column layouts of mastodon, hmm

the empty right column would be used to display a focused toot/thread, or possibly a second timeline (local/federated). Notifications view will definitely be hideable/filterable too

Features I like 

@f0x I like being able to remember recent searched terms or hashtags.

The standard TL filters are nice (like no boosts etc.). A quick button to show only mentions, without fiddling with the settings in notifications is also super convenient.

I'm sure I can think of more, but brain is zzz atm.

Features I like 

@f0x oh , and I miss being able to favorite a hashtags,

that is something I've been thinking it for the Tusky ui. How it can be part of the ui for remembering search too.
So maybe a combination of recent searches and saved searches. 🤔

Because in Tusky it feels like a lot of wasted real-estate.

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