
please.. all i want in life is a work/living space with windows like this

imagine light rain droplets streaming down at night

it's even post at 13:12 that should give some good luck right

@f0x with the rain running down at night and the right lighting this would have serious cyberpunk aesthetics *_*

@f0x goddd this would be so comfortable to live in,,, a warm bed on the other side would make me never want to leave

@f0x like how sports cars amplifying the sound of the engine I want this to amplify the sound of the rain

maybe have the sound of thunder if i'm feeling spicy one day

@5225225 @f0x the queers just want one thing and it's fucking disgusting

@haskal @f0x well

a window like that's expensive

so we should buy one and all live in that house together

@f0x when you get a building like this for your hackerspace pls invite me

@f0x lol yeah this is the absolute dream place to work in and just hang out and read in and invite people to be comfortable in

@f0x oh god yes, can I just... live in a place like that

I imagine making a one-sided and unknown friendship with nearby peeping toms by virtue of not always wanting to wear pants, or other times going around in pajama shorts and naught else.

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