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🎉 $635/$630 🎉 • GOAL MET & EXCEEDED, thanx again everyone!!! plz donate to others who may need it! 

🎉 $635/$630 🎉 goal has been met! thank y'all again for helping me! :ABlobCatHeart:

my rent for october has been paid for, so i'm still housed for the upcoming month! thank you again to everybody who has helped me for the past while in keeping me housed! :ABlobCatHappyPaws:

things are still moving as slow as ever and not much progress has been made: my housing worker has still had no luck in getting a hold of anybody for the rent assistance program they found and i have no idea what's gonna happen next since my landlord and i barely hear from them, even though they told me that i'd hear from them weekly! they're gonna try to reapply for it on my behalf again in the coming month.

i'm still working towards self-employment; i'm currently stuck at the "what materials will you need and how much is everything" stage still. i'm hoping to move on to the next bit soon. art materials are expensive as hell, my goodness...i've always known this, but still... :ABlobCatNervous:

towards the end of november is when i'll finally be eligible to begin selling my art thru the visual arts program i'm in, since it'll be a year since i started! :blob_cheerful: i haven't heard from the gallery people yet but i figure they'll get in touch within the next few weeks to let me know what the process will be.

i am still in need of help with rent for november so i can avoid getting kicked out! please click on the link below and please donate, if you have the means to do so—boosting helps a lot too, so please pass this on! thanks, y'all!

TL;DR: life still sux, i'm still waiting on everyone/everything, still working hard to try & make it, plz help me. kthx :blobcat_worldflop:

#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #RentEmergency #HousingEmergency #BlackCrowdfund #DisabledCrowdfund #TransCrowdfund #MutualAidSavesLives #HelpFolksLive2024

“Businesses up and down [NYC’s] Columbus Avenue say the Sunday car-free open streets has been a boon—despite what car drivers believe.

“The program, which closes the avenue to cars…every Sunday in the summer and fall, has increased local businesses' sales, a variety of businesses told Streetsblog, citing better foot traffic and the fact that locals tend to linger (and spend) more when a street is pleasant to be on.”

Maybe we should, you know, learn from this.

When I mentioned mastodon on Tumblr, someone asked what it was. Someone else (Tumblr user flexplate) answered "It's like Twitter but for people who know how to troubleshoot Linux printer drivers."

Which is mean but not entirely untrue

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Begpost, Money issues, ect 

I don't wanna do this. But I have to.

🚀 Boosts appreciated ❤

I'm currently not getting paid by unemployment for some fucking reason and I can keep my apartment for october and
maybe november if I don't eat any food or don't spend a single cent.

Which is shit.

Current need is roughly 300$ (to also be on the safe side).
If you want and are able to give. Please do even if it's only a few bucks. I can at-least buy some spaghetti or rice with it lol.

I have nothing to show other than my
#fansly which was kinda unused due to me self hating too much. I do plan to get back to it.

I'm also happy to do anything for money; Need someone to punch themselves in the face for money? Hmu and I'll do it. I'm not a fan of begposting, I'd rather to something stupid and get money than not.

Feel free to email me at:
For any inquiries of how to get me to do anything you want lol.

#broke #begpost #money #help #boostsappreciated

Wait a second...

Video game lamps don't necessarily use real world electricity on old gameboy LCDs because it costs more energy to drive the pixels darker and the same amount of energy would be used preparing the tilemap no matter what's in it!

Hello, world!

We are FAFO, a non-profit semiconductor and analytical chemistry research lab in Munich.

We exist to bring together people and tools necessary to advance not the cutting edge of manufacturing, but the cutting edge of making bathtub semiconductors and other Weird Hacks in your local hackerspace.

We've just rented out our first location and brought in a gorgeous 1980s JEOL T330A SEM. Restoring it to working condition is our first project, and this is where we'll keep you posted.

housemate - again 

so apparently this time he lost his bank card and it got drained of funds. He's not going to be able to pay me back the money he already owed me, and rent looks unlikely as well.

This is after he still owed me part of the $500 he borrowed from me, so he's going to be over a grand in the hole with me at this point.

Needless to say I'm not really buying it.

If he can't make rent on the first, I'm going to need a printed bank statement to believe what he's said, and even then we can't keep this place on good vibes alone, I'll have to start looking for a new roommate if he falls any further behind.

I made this space to talk about folk history and my (oral) storytelling, which is what I've mostly focused on (aside from pet pictures).

But for a long time, my online spaces were all focused on my creative writing, something I've barely mentioned here. For various personal reasons, I got very discouraged in my writing and mostly stopped doing it, despite having got multiple steps into making it a profession.

All this to say that recently I've been flexing my #writing muscles again, and one of the things that got me back to it was being asked to tutor some kids in creative writing. I've been teaching them about a year now, and it's been such a joyful process! I'm thinking of trying to set something up for adults (beginner or experienced), with the goals of:

- approaching creative writing as a craft, with tools to learn and try and practice, not rules to abide by.

- helping people find their voice and discover what they want to do with their own writing.

- exploring story in all its forms.

- supporting people to direct their creativity with greater purpose and find joy and inspiration in community.

It's just an idea currently, but I'm wondering if anyone on here would be interested in something like that? (FWIW I'm an experienced teacher with a Creative Writing Masters, but I'm thinking in terms of faciliated skill growth more than 'lessons'.)


Walked into a lamppost.

Sustained light injuries.

Still raising funds for lawyer fees and other expenses associated with @nullagent's assault while protesting. Concussion is starting to improve but he has a lot of work to do to hold the assailant and accomplices responsible.

We have a great lead on a lawyer, next steps will go a lot smoother if we have more funds on hand and continue to get the word out!


y'all waiting on the train in station square while I'm riding the high-speed Shardeen up in Pharaoh B)

this probably means something to someone but no it's definitely nothing

Anyway, if you want to help me in these trying times (because OH BOY this car has been testing my patience), these are mi prices.

#CommissionsOpen #commissions

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lacking context can make good intentions have bad consequences ,
dealing with difficult emotions can make good intentions have bad consequences,
but only with good intentions do you even have a shot

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the main thing I'm trying to get across is something like "we should be more forgiving of people's actions if their intentions are good because creating good in this world is an extremely difficult constrained optimization problem"

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.