I'm getting back into cross-stitch, so to practice I decided to do a handful of sprites from System Erasure's Void Stranger. Made a hundred mistakes, but that's why we practice, right?
I call it, "Six things I cannot live without"
Am I doing the “Run as Administrador” thing correctly?
Since I'm seeing a lot of "I have covid" posts, reminder that the WHO actually published a protocol for recovery after the illness to reduce the odds of Long Covid.
Okay, this FA backup tool should be stable enough to trust once one more bug is squashed. So I'll put the direct ask to everyone, boosts desired.
I need a way to find FA accounts of deceased people. These are (when confirmed) marked with an infinity symbol prefacing the username. These are my priority for archival as I consider these the highest risk of being lost.
I fear in the end I'll have to crowdsource this with a form that just says "If you know of an account in this status put it here", and that's going to miss a lot.
Do not bother replying to tell vee I don't need to do this or I'm alarmist/premature. That discussion's been had.
Once you have applied, you will hear back from us by August 15th, 2024 (or sooner) whether or not you were selected to receive Uber Credit. (All qualified applicants selected at random).
We will be distributing funds directly through Uber.
By submitting this application, you acknowledge that you have read and consent to the above items.
dragoneer, healthcare (-)
reading dragoneer's recent posts has been really hard for me.
trying to get medical treatment for all the things going on has been the hardest thing of my life, not just the physical symptoms but the overwhelming feeling that this system does not care whether I get better or not. it's not designed to be helpful or compassionate. it's designed to make you give up. I really saw myself in this post.
no one should have to beg their doctors to be taken seriously. people genuinely die from stuff like this. even though things are better now for me than they used to, it's hard not to feel like years of my life were taken away just....wasting time.
cherish the people in your life, especially the ones that are going through it. having a chronic health condition is isolating. it's easily one of the worst parts about it. don't just offer your help and leave it at that; genuinely let them know how much they mean to you. keep up with them, ask about their health, anything that lets them know that you're invested in their recovery too and that they're not alone in this. it's hard.
US healthcare, past death, cancer
I'm not interested in hearing anyone make excuses or put words in my mouth after the american healthcare system failed my mother by diagnosing her cancer far too late for anything to be done about it, such that she had to hide the prognosis from her own family until the end.
I've every goddamn right to be impassioned and livid about failures of the system taking lives away from us and the knock-on effects that follow
I've said this before but I'll note it again in response to Game Informer shutting down: expect more and more corporate silos to just flip a switch and go dark before they even announce. This is becoming the SOP because the basilisk of the Archive Team bandwidth bill kick in the pants as you exit is gaining legs among industry people.
Hell most of the time it's not even AT. It's people who wanna save their subscription stuff. But go off.
so @inherentlee 's thread asking people to define masculinity the other day had some uhh Interesting answers from (white, straight) cis men vs queer, trans, and nonbinary people. And I knew that cis people probably haven't really thought about this stuff before but some of these answers were kind of scary to be honest.
"The ability to suppress your own feelings is of course dangerous, but... embracing danger is itself masculine."
another one said "masculinity is being a danger to oneself and others"
uhh are you guys okay?
"Masculinity is conflict"
Also a lot of talk about the idea of how noble it is to push through discomfort.
Scientifically/historically dubious:
"Look to nature"
"evolution as hunter/gatherers"
And the cis answers included almost zero joy.
On the trans and queer side, beautiful, delightful answers about gay masculinity, trans masculinity, Black masculinity, an absolute universe of masculinities. And many people who couldn't define it if they looked at it too hard because many traits are shared by femininity, masculinity, and decent people. The divide is a vast chasm.
editing to add link to thread https://strangeobject.space/@inherentlee/112910367754708215
I'm Elfi! I'm a fair folk, magical moth, greyace girl, greenhorn gamedev, part-time dream dragon, in my thirties and , and ADHD+ASD+EDS. Disclosure: white
💕 Aine @SophicLeech
💕 Agi @AgiDine
💕 Jenny @Esme
💕 Cherry @deejvalen
Icon by @Zwiebelprinz, header from Liar Princess and the Blind Prince by NIS