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I'm very happy with how this looks after all the work I put into it! <3

Especially the neck! I had to model all that neck fluff from scratch! *And* figure out how to make it bend smoothly in unity, because I couldn't find any tutorials for how to make long necks on VRC avatars!

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Introducing, the New and Improved Decimal!

I'm a bat now! ^w^
"What kind of bat?" I hear a stawman saying!
And the answer is "A bat creature!"

I've spent the past couple months customizing the Nardovern avatar base (an edit of the Nardoragon) to what you see in this video!

It's me! ^w^

trans girls be naming themselves "rose" or "daisy" or "pansy" for one reason and one reason only: to attract bee girls with incredible asses

Were you boycotting #Eurovision 2024 or otherwise not watching it? Do you want a clearer idea of how much of a shitshow it was?

Me, with a lot of aid from my friends, including @Siph, piece together a timeline of reports of where things went wrong to build up an early picture (it's still a developing story) of what a shitshow it was and how EBU willfully damaged the wellbeing and safety of artists, reporters and others at the show.

You can rotate a morb in your head and they won't stop you, they'll just wiggle their peets in the air :classic_morb:

something that most weebs don't realize is that, given how cats behave, catgirls would all be autistic as fuck. every catgirl would have a special interest and won't stop talking about it. oh, you just got isekaied and you wanna date a catgirl? get ready for 4-hour-long infodumps on the uses of this one specific breed of manafruit in potion making

drew @spacecrow 's hoshiko! would you read her a bedtime story? (it's an astrophysics textbook)

Hot take: fuck fretting about game balance during a tabletop RPG.

Tabletop RPGs are not competitive, and you literally have someone there to adjust the game as it happens.

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In the most glorious "fuck you" I have seen in a while, you know the book that Cumberland City Council banned because they're homophobic bigots - Holly Duhig's "A focus on Same Sex Parents"? Well, the publisher, BookLife Publishing, have made a PDF version of the book available for free.

Sure be a shame if it was shared far and wide now, wouldn't it?

Every time you ban a book filled with hope and kindness, and care and love, we will resist.

#CumberlandCityCouncil #SameSexParents #BookBans #Bookstodon

if, like me, you do not love wildfire smoke, this smoke forecasting system is pretty good

#yeg #alberta #wildfire #canada

has anyone nipped out to check if Wales is still attached to England?

crap, filters are totally broken for me and I do not want to be hearing about mother's day right now

It's so unreal

I couldn't get a shot because my tripod spontaneously became a bipod when I tried to set it up for a long exposure shot (and being on my balcony for too long gives me vertigo), but the aurora is so intense that it's visible *through* the cloud layer, actually powering through the light pollution bouncing off the underside

Oh btw, my new and forever-shop IS open if you'd like anything!


I'm very aware that since I did the "bye wix" video and stopped marketing my old shop on there, everything *completely stagnated*, so I'm pushing to make my own website/shop as nice as possible as quickly as I can in between the Kickstarter and my regular work :artsweats:

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.