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Aperiodic friendly reminder that crows are smarter than we give them credit for

Boost if:

- You're a gorgeous fierce mythological creature who bites the heads off fascists


- You're up at this hour

No one will ever know which applies to you!! Unless they both apply. Then, well, that's on you. ;3


@Zennistrad I was reminded that Ebot's Rock is a thing that exists in Final Fantasy VI, and is tied to Strago and Relm's story. Somehow I can't seem to find fics that take this to its logical conclusion and put Relm in as the fallen child

slang psa, misogynistic hate campaign, cultural appropriation 

for anyone who doesn't know, the expressing-approval-of-someone's-politics sense of "based" was popularized by white supremacist Gamergaters after they appropriated it from AAVE:

anyone who does know and says it anyway, eat shit and die

muting notifs

If you dress and behave nicely enough, nobody will hassle you for being a lamp post.

y'all know that if you want your posts to spread you should #AltText your images, right?
both because
- some people don't boost uncaptioned images as a principle, and I highly doubt there's anyone doing the opposite, so you're missing some boosts
but also because
- #Mastodon's v4.2 search also works with Alt Text, so if you have search enabled for your account you'll perform better in searches if you caption.

#accessibility #caption #PleaseCaption

“The two things I love the most are observing people and playing with colours,” says Bangalore-based artist Muhammed Sajid, whose vivid digital illustrations highlight personalities, garments, and visual culture inspired by his home state of Kerala.

#illustration #portrait #digital

A quick time-saving tip for both commissioners and artists regarding OCs with tattoos (and also complex, discreetly bounded patterns)

I'm tired of being nice about this

I'm going fucking unseelie

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I want to see the costs become apparent so people realize hiring artists is actually more cost-effective again

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I can't wait for the external costs of LLMs to come back and bite them on the ass so investment money dries up and the whole grift deflates so quickly that everyone implementing it in a critical system folds or is buried in the inevitable wave of lawsuits

This includes "co-pilot key" microsoft tbqh

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