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Everyone was in shocked and confusion as after an elaborate public ceremony celebrating her reveal was a golden pillow carried out with an extremely fluffy black Norwegian forest cat sitting on top of it.

Apparently she was afraid humanity wouldn’t take her seriously or respect her as a leader if she revealed herself to the world, but humanity basically lost it and fell in love with her even more. The internet fell in love with her due to how adorable she is. She was so happy too.

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I wrote down what I could and a new host of intrusive thoughts filled my head instead :')

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Frick, I just can't sleep, try as I might, and my thoughts aren't cohesive enough to put to paper and remove from my head

If you use #Substack, did you know that you can switch to @buttondown with more features? And the migration looks pretty easy. I might offer this as a service.


Wired's migration how-to:

Dear furry artists: this is your periodical reminder that you will get far more engagement on fedi (which could translate to more commissions and such) if you just add a few lines of alt text to the art you post. Many people refuse to boost posts without alt text. Think about it. Not only would this make your posts more accessible, it could also make you more money.

Use alt text, people! It benefits everyone and costs you basically nothing!

I'm gonna start touhou posting at this rate what the fuck is this fic doing to me

"Fairie Dragon among the branches"

Belated Christmas present for my mom!

I quite like how it turned out!
Flowers are fun. Will examine more of them later!

#dragon #fairie #fey #flowers #TraditionalArt #markers

taking estrogen for gender transition is very pirate because you get a chest with booty


I'm in too much pain to get anything done today besides sleep. Ibuprofen isn't helping so my nerves must be acting up from something else...

Cozy fluffy baby on their leaf 🦇🍃

Patterns available this month for our Patrons!

We adore how our Honduran white bat plush turned out 😭 Look at their face and tiny claws. It can be attached to the leaf through magnets.

What if... there was a big sleepy dragon girl with a hoard of plush moths, a soft tum, and a forked blep...

Unbound Path. Pencil with acrylic and metal pigment accents.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.