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Your sona and the gun they'd use meme (gun ment only) 

Guns are made of iron, hard pass


random internet person: haha what are you a virgin?

me, excited to not be having sex today: oh boy, another day I can do ANYTHING ELSE but have sex. We got hobbies, we got art, we got videogames? Work stuff?? Let's goooo

Still processing what happened yesterday. Won't be posting a whole lot of my own thoughts in general

A lot of non-Indigenous people around the world are struggling to handle the information coming out of Canada about the residential school program.

Below is a list of resources for learning about the program and closely related topics.

While the unmarked graves may be a shock to many, that is because of the systemic erasure of Indigenous peoples and their voices. It is the intention of the social order to hide this information, and so incumbent on its members to educate themselves. The resources below are *first steps*. There is so much more to learn, and people are bringing new stories every day, because the ethnocide, and resistance against it, still continue each day.



The work of non-Indigenous people now is to share these voices among yourselves (boost this post), and figure out your own relationships to these events. How does your life intersect with the foster care system, the prison complex, the theft of indigenous land? Those answers can't come from a book, but books can be great tools for finding them.


Working to help settler-colonials educate themselves is labour, and doing it now feels extra heavy. Consider giving:$emsenn0

(To those who have kept your recurring donations active even though I haven't been posting: thank you! That's been my grocery money as I get back on my feet after the recent displacement.)

hello here i am blessing you with the only important meme 🌻

"Microsoft is also requiring a front-facing camera for all Windows 11 devices except desktop PCs from January 2023 onwards."

Good thing about the public domain: lots of books about fairies and folklore

Bad thing about the public domain: it's all anglicized and christianized because that's who got to publish

also please be careful with cold showers or ice packs and such. they're good for cooling off when you start to overheat, but you can also set off your shivvering reflex which will raise your internal temperature and make it harder to keep cool.

growing up in the southwestern desert, we were always taught to use cool water and sitting in front of light air flow. keeps you cool without dropping your internal temp too low.

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once the sun goes down, you can turn your fan backwards (so its blowing air out) the window or door to suck out the hot air. have another window or door open blowing cool night air inside to help generate a cooling cross breeze.

and just, don't beat yourself up for not being productive if you cant manage it. you are surviving. you are regulating your temperature. thats productive enough.

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@fluxom_alt I'd like to propose a new rule for fantasy settings... a monster species... can't be mindless evil

there fixed it

DnD: hyenas become vicious gnolls by demonic influence who create nothing of lasting value and instead scavenger everything even their equipment while gleefully destroying thibgs

Meanwhile, in real life:

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"Pretty layers of encapsulation"

submitted by mostly_idle_burglary

expanded free trial in the streets, award winning heavensward expansion in the sheets

Discovering the uxn is like immensely interesting but already I wanna make like a couple of games in it and then try hacking together a fancier scanline-based screen subsystem



My brain: DQ! Dairy Quong! DQ! Dairy Quong is here

acknowledge that your ancestors did some fucked up shit and then vow to fucking be better. why is that hard?

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