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The current chaos in WordPress caused by Matt seems like a good time to remind folks that the Mastodon “community” websites and trademarks are 100% owned by one man, despite pleas from current and former project members to make Mastodon a foundation with a board.

I managed to calm myself down by thinking about the possibility of new Little Tail Bronx content outside of Fuga, I am comfy again =w=

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Regular reminder that getting up in arms about someone else's boundaries is a pretty good sign that someone is engaging in abusive behavior.

And yes, being upset about allowlist only, FediBlock, or TBS are all examples of this.

Never have I seen a group of people more determined to continue harassment after being muted/blocked/banned than those who lost their minds when we started openly collectivizing our boundaries to keep each other safe. As has always been the case, reactionary behavior means we're doing something right.

ah heck, I think I'm getting too hyped up about the CyberConnect2 announcement in November. I just worried about what would happen if it isn't re-releases of the LTB games like I hope and I felt a profound sense of disappointment. This was exactly what I was afraid of! D:

so, due to change in icelandic law regarding unemployment benefits, our household is officially without income. this has made us very angry, and it was widely regarded it as a bad move.

but we have bills to pay and are, frankly,
fucked at the moment. if you'd like to help in the long term, please hire me, i have a decade of tech support experience in wildly different fields and i am Very Good At What I Do. please get in touch in DMs if you have concrete leads, or know a guy who knows a guy.

however, right now, i need short-term help, so here i am, rattling the collections tin.

thanks. love you.

Rant about Analogue 

The Analogue Pocket is a somewhat interesting emulation device (if anything, just because it's a pocketable multi-system emulator console not made by sketchy Chinese companies with no support and the worst UI ever), but I refuse to even entertain the idea of getting one because I hate the company so much.

They clearly consider software emulator developers inferior and their work not worth *any* respect, as evidenced by the incessant disparaging and literally objectively incorrect statements they make at every opportunity about any “competing” software emulators; them at least once attempting to hire independent emulator devs to fix issues in their emulators (and also coincidentally wanting them to halt work on their existing software emulator that could be construed as “competing”) while paying them well under the value of their skills (at least in the one publicly mentioned case, the dev was smart enough not to sign a questionable contract or do any work; and them using all the research and reverse-engineering work of the community but not contribute their own research back because those damn commie FOSS emulators might make use of it.

The worst AI scraper that doesn't even identify itself as such is still this user agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0

It's not even listed on darkvisitors(.)com

I see 5120 requests in the last 24 hrs alone, all for JPEG & WEBP files. I don't want to know how much bandwidth & energy it consumes, globally.

Easy to block via Cloudflare or .htaccess: Firefox/72 is ages old and no human visitor would use it.

Spread the word.

#AI #Webmaster

Reminder: all Libreboot machines are currently on a heavy discount, on Minifree:

I'm the founder and lead developer of the Libreboot project. Sales fund Libreboot. Libreboot (preinstalled) is free/opensource firmware replacing proprietary BIOS/UEFI on supported hardware. I did a release recently, namely Libreboot 20241008.

Your choice of Debian Linux, other distro or a BSD.

I'm raising money for some planned work in November, hence price cut going for increased sales.

A couple of little Pascal pride stickers based on Jensen & Wirth's book cover and the screenshot in the below thread from, which had much cuter lettering.

Yeah, sex is good, but have you ever put your hand on the control rig of your mech and softly whispered a thank you, and your mech's eyes lit up for just a second?

*stands to salute vehicle*

Friend: What are you doing?

Me: a lesbian has gone to a better place

Friend: that's a UHAUL

Me: Yes and she's leaving Indianapolis for somewhere better

You remember these glasses from your last trip to #France, I guess. Here’s the interesting story: Duralex, the manufacturer, was heading for liquidation. Investors that wanted to buy it existed, but they wanted to fire a lot of employees. So the court agreed to a different solution: create a cooperative, make Duralex workers owned. Now give them a hand and buy their glasses instead of the typical IKEA stuff, ok? :)

#Duralex #cooperative #WorkersUnited

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