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when i melt due to these unreasonably high temperatures, please cast me into a sword so i can keep getting carried around by strong lesbians,,

Consider: Slowpoke girl who's super into 80s fashion, media, and tech because she thinks it's all brand new.

Coming Soon to Computers for a Cause - anyone want a MacBook Air? #c4ac

i had the idea for a tv headed moth that has moth antenna for tv antenna and i think im so smart for that lol

#art #anthro

Whether you make comics for fun, for money, or some combination of the two, we need to hear from you!

Whether you write, draw, letter, color, or do all of the above, we need to hear from you!

Self-published, traditional published, print, or web, we need to hear from you!

Part-time, full-time, can never seem to find the time, we need to hear from you!!!

Click below to take the 2024 Comics Worker Survey & please encourage your peers to do the same!

art: Phil McAndrew

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I'm getting back into cross-stitch, so to practice I decided to do a handful of sprites from System Erasure's Void Stranger. Made a hundred mistakes, but that's why we practice, right?

I call it, "Six things I cannot live without"

Since I'm seeing a lot of "I have covid" posts, reminder that the WHO actually published a protocol for recovery after the illness to reduce the odds of Long Covid.

Been a while since I've last posted on here. Got some catching up to do!

Lets start with a recent prop design work in progress! ✨️

It has been 0️⃣​days since a website served me a completely blank page because it uses JavaScript to reinvent bog standard HTML poorly.

pretending to be vampires to scare a village into hating communism (real thing)

Okay, this FA backup tool should be stable enough to trust once one more bug is squashed. So I'll put the direct ask to everyone, boosts desired.

I need a way to find FA accounts of deceased people. These are (when confirmed) marked with an infinity symbol prefacing the username. These are my priority for archival as I consider these the highest risk of being lost.

I fear in the end I'll have to crowdsource this with a form that just says "If you know of an account in this status put it here", and that's going to miss a lot.

Do not bother replying to tell vee I don't need to do this or I'm alarmist/premature. That discussion's been had.

Thinking about how my fursona has a Ryu number because she's in Petal Crash

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.