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Game dev update! Some words about the game's old demo, and what might be coming up. Read about it here!

it seems the image I drew to be the thumbnail didn't work, so here it is on its own

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Hey y'all, we need help with bills this month.

- We're a few hundred short on rent bc of move-in expenses.

- Comcast has shut off our internet bc they claim I owe $300 for a past account from years ago (that they never contacted me about).

- And we are still trying to replace the car that was stolen this month.

Any/all help will relieve the pressure as we prep for baby to arrive in the next 6 weeks!


"unalived" is such a lame euphemism for "killed"

why not something fun like "got drafted into the skeleton war"?

Hey, wonderful individual on fedi, do you or someone you know that makes hiring decisions live somewhere that is relatively* safe for trans people? (* relatively meaning that it's at least legal and I would be able to be out)

then I have a request, I am a trans woman, with a bachelors in computer engineering, I am competent in many areas including linux server stuff, networking, programming mostly in python or java, low level code (in c, Rust), microcontrollers and some PCB design, and I like making things, etc, I can also pick up new things quickly.

I need a job, but it needs to be one that is open to helping me with a visa since I'd have to move over

If you know someone that's hiring, or if you're hiring, or if you can reccomend me to someone, let me know please, I can send over a resume.

I've been applying to places, but positions that offer visa sponsorship are very limited, and I don't have years of experience, I don't wanna be stuck here, so, would appreciate help with that.

I'm also fluent in two languages, and I know how to bake, so getting cookies is a real possibility if you hire me (now this'll definitely get me hired).


Order Up! ☕️💕

This cool cafe I stole (right under the hero's noses!) opens in just a couple hours, and I'm just givin' the coffee away!


Hey everyone,

Still in emergency but less thanks to you. We're at peace for the weekend, since we've been able to pay most of our bills, and get stuff for the pets.

If we pay more, we won't be able to eat, though.

Still a few hundreds to raise:

Any help is still deeply appreciated, as always. Thanks, friends ♥️ :boost_ok:

Illustration by @MxVerda, thank you!



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SAG-AFTRA is going on strike again.

[SAG-AFTRA] is calling a work stoppage against the major video game companies after nearly two years of trying to renegotiate its Interactive Media Agreement. The strike goes into effect July 26.

#SAGAFTRA #VideoGames #Strike

I have acquired nine lightly-used GC2B binders in size 2XL to 3XL from a local trans person who recently had top surgery.

If you are someone who binds and needs a binder in this size, please DM me. Everyone else, please share!


I honestly wouldn't mind some help on my testosterone and I would especially appreciate a boost on this post.

📑 I wish there were more wikis and fewer Discords. Chat is not documentation, people.

mutual aid needed, boosts requested :boost_requested:

coming up on the end of the month meaning lots of monthly expenses. i'm starting my new job this weekend after an asshole customer set off my ptsd in the last one resulting in me losing several weeks of pay.

edit: and just woke up to a text that my psychiatrist is gone and being replaced. it's been months and i still haven't gotten the ADHD prescription

anything helps. thanks so much

@mutualaid #mutualaid #autisticmutualaid #crowdfunding

If you can afford to donate to a political party, you can afford to donate to someone asking for mutual aid to survive.

More than one good thing can happen at a time.


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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.