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here's the folks i'm worried about... if you could help by sharing their posts or giving if you can, i would be very grateful 🙏

rae and xer twin sister are disabled and need urgent help fixing necessary household appliances and securing food

mahtheyzhawey is a disabled mom that needs help with monthly costs of living:

octo needs help with monthly costs (bills, debt payments) while living in an abusive household:

wren urgently needs to move out of a small dangerous town:

alks still doesnt have income and its ther birthday month:

moo hasnt had any donations this month and would like help during securing some disability aides:

...I wanna go out and get more ink pen nibs, but I bought a bunch of stuff today. Maybe another time

Actually, it could've been as late as Windows 2000. All I remember about it is the old-school taskbar icon

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Last night I dreamt that I was helping a nonprofit with getting their printing servers off Windows Fucking 98 and I feel like that prepared me for the amount of chaos consuming the IT world this morning

"Don't die wondering... Transgenderism could be for you"
Sticker spotted in Dublin, Ireland

Motivation is low today. It is also rather hot. Coronation? Idk.

Maybe I just want to desperately date a cute robot gal or something. What u mean that's oddly specific!?
I just want to snuggle and bitch about hardware, software, gamedev & art.

Crowd Strike thing is basically an "Ever Given stuck in Suez Canal" of IT industry.

All the techies losing hair, sleep, and family time trying to get this un-stuck are the excavator operators trying to get things un-fucked.

#CrowdStrike #InfoSec

New post on keeping house with small, unambitious habits!

"Unfortunately that was how I was brought up, with my mom telling me I should do the whole house when I cleaned because otherwise the dirt would spread from the uncleaned rooms to the clean one. So I ended up not cleaning on days I couldn’t do the whole house, which was most days… all days… yeah."

Me: I need to look up something in Red Data Children for Stellarobo... ah, there's something in here that I could use better context for, where are the raws?

Me four hours later: I have tracked down sources for every single light novel--with page numbers--for Solatorobo except for Red Data Children! Aaaaargh

"Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content" and how it gonna impact the indie web discoverability (for the worse)

#SEO #Google #IndieWeb

Last night I went on a mad bender and wrote an outline for the sequel to that Solatorobo/Freedom Planet crossover fic I'm working on. Dance, puppets, dance! Mwahahahahaha :devilish:

Just seen the best bit of commentary on transmisogyny I’ve seen in ages: if you want to know how a man treats cis women in private, look at how he treats trans women in public.

Millie hasnt got a donation since 2 months! pls spread the campaign wide!!

Help millie, a NonBinary resident of florida flee persecution from the state, their family was evicted last year and they had to move to another family's place. The move has caused a lot of financial struggles. Their plane ticket is covered, but they need some funds to sustain themselves once theyre out:

Goal: 2665/5000 dollars


Tags: #TransCrowdFund #GTFOmyState #MutualAid #TransMutualAid #Fundraiser #fundraising #NonBinary #boost

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.