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"Librarians are developing open-source alternatives to Libby and hoopla and testing "experiments with publishers that don't involve restrictive licenses," says Jennie Rose Halperin, director of Library Futures."

Fuck yeah!

I am learning more and more that it's just objectively true that all consumer electronics are garbage, and the only way to get quality for a decent price is to get used high-end professional gear from e-waste resellers and fix whatever might be wrong with it, because unlike consumer tat, pro gear is actually still designed to be fixed.

Also that CC claims that training an AI on data is "fair use". So fuck Creative Commons I guess.

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David Tennant: “I remember gay rights being weaponised politically. That always felt ugly & nasty… 30 years later & those people are clearly on the wrong side of history. Now there is a similar weaponisation of these topics… to create friction & conflict & division where it needn’t be. It’s just about people being themselves. You don’t need to be bothered about it. F**k off & let people be”

#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #Transgender #NonBinary #DavidTennant #DoctorWho @lgbtqia

For real, it's a shame to hear Tango is among the studio closures Microsoft announced today. The only cuts I wanted to hear from them were more deep cuts like the chair

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If I had a nickel for every time another game referenced the plot chair from Xenogears, I'd have 10 cents. Which isn't much but it's weird that it's happened twice

Keyboard layout that randomizes every hour to reduce RSI

repeatable challenge unlocked: try not to dip your brush in the coffee/tea mug.

The gender today is the smell of coffee and sound of a dial tone.

mutual aid, ec 

Oh wow! Unexpected expenses! For two disabled trans people with no income? 'Fraid so!

But perhaps you can help. My dear girlfriend and metamor are having quite a trying time, all the time, and could really use some support. If you would like to help you can send some money here. Anything would help.

Love and solidarity to you all struggling under capitalism

Including Millie's art bc it's great and deserves appreciation/

#transcrowdfund #mutualaid

...I'd probably just be a low-poly version of myself with a navi-like glow all the time

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Seeing amazing digital circus OCs popping up and it's making me Think

upsetting UK transphobic honeypot, :boost_ok: 

a leaked NHS internal document indicates that any young people waiting for referrals to gender services are to be asked to come in for a face-to-face appointment, and that if the young person indicates they are taking private HRT and does not stop, will be subject to a safeguarding referral to social services.

please spread as widely as you can. if you know any UK trans kids, let them know.

handing every lesbian a copy of ISO8601 so they can tell what is and isn’t a date

Before you hit the streets, you should note that your cellphones may subject you to surveillance tactics by law enforcement.

We put together a guide on how to prepare your phone for a protest:

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.