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I'm so tired of the discourse on #adblocking being framed as users vs. creators.

Creators suffer from rampant unregulated advertising attached to their hard work. Seeing their labours being exploited to promote scams and enrich surveillance capitalists with no control or recourse. Seeing potential subscribers close the tab because their impression of the channel in those crucial first few seconds was some obnoxious ad.

You think makers *want* this system? Hell no. We just want an income.

So uh, if you're a furry or just a person of a particular flavor, check your patreon subscriptions. A ton of patreons just got banned with no warning or explanation :(

Weʼre raising £20,000 to Support LGBTQIA+ people in Kakuma Refugee Camp QUEER INITIATIVE KAKUMA

"Kakuma refugee camp has more than 1000 queer assylum seekers and refugees of which 99% of us fled away from uganda and the 1% from congo, Burundi, Rwanda and somalia in fear of persecution, torture and discrimination of all sorts. I pass on this message seeking for support and advocacy creating awareness of what i and my fellow LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees under the umbrella of QUEER INNITIATIVE KAKUMA are currently facing and going through."

#Kenya #QueerMutualAid #TransCrowdFund #BlackCrowdfund @mutualaid

I wish we could have a big gay polycule get-together one day.

me when a really good post with no image description happens upon my timeline and i get to repost it with one

uspol, death of you know who, personal amusement 

My grief support group gave me some insight on seeing what good can come after death

What joyful irony that after the last session, I came home to learn about Kissinger. Now I can apply that knowledge without any of the usual grief beforehand!

Toon Violence | Manadragon 

Not so long ago...
In the mysterious land...
Of Buffalo, New York...

Something for @xsnulz !


Catchpenny prints were 18th–19th-century budget-friendly mass printings in the Netherlands, targeted at audiences in low-income classes and children.

They cover Dutch heroes, Biblical tales, and children’s games and offer a snapshot into the interests of the 18th–19th-century Netherlands. Their poor paper quality led to limited preservation.

Check out our digitized collection of catchpenny prints:

#PrintHistory #DutchCulture
#Netherlands #Histodons #history

Still looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift? Have you considered a four-channel 200 MHz oscilloscope with virtual phosphor display?

Instead of sleeping I am reading fanfiction and now being endlessly amused by the mental image of Asriel Dreemurr being taught multiverse theory in college by Dr. Trace Eschenbrenner, who is aided by his assistant Hammond after the Tasen's alpha strike took his sight and mobility

This means something to maybe three other people on fedi and I don't care, you all get to deal with it

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